焊接工艺被广泛应用于制造工程结构。在二十世纪后半期,大型结构大多采用熔焊工艺,即通过熔化母材和填充金属来实现焊接。1991年, TWI的Wayne Thomas发明了搅拌摩擦焊FSW), 实现了完全固相焊接(无熔化)。随着FSW的日益广泛应用,需要制定一项国际标准,确保焊接工艺能够得到最有效执行,焊接操作的各个方面能够得到适当控制。本国际标准聚焦千铝材的FSW, 这是因为当前FSW的绝大多数商业应用都与铝材有关, 例如轨道车辆、 消费品、 食品加工设备、航空航天器以及船舶等。前言中列出了本标准的各个部分。The increasing use of FSW has created the need for this International Standard in order to ensure that welding is carried out in the most effective way and that appropriate control is exercised over all aspects of the operation. This International Standard focuses on the FSW of aluminium because, at the time of publication, the majority of commercial applications for FSW involved aluminium. Examples include railway carriages, consumer products, food processing equipment, aerospace structures, and marine vessels...